Tourpreneur Podcast!
Just recently Amada was featured on the latest special edition of the Tourpreneur Podcast hosted by social tonic’s very own Shawn Teasley where she shared her business info with Evan Tipton from a marketing agency called TOMIS who was able to deep dive into both tour companies she owns and provide excellent help with ways to boost Search Engine Optimization and Social Media marketing advice.
This podcast was titled “Meet the Marketing Agency” and the whole show discusses how they have helped other tour operators like Billy Marquis from Arkansas River Tours get their sites up to speed and boost sales.
If you are interested in learning more about Amada and her businesses check out this podcast: https://tourpreneur.com/digital-marketing-tips-for-tour-operators-with-evan-tipton-of-tomis/
And yes, stay tuned because Amada hired the company to help her! Lots of new additions to Winter Haven Food Tours coming next year.
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